Alumna Profile- Casey Borish ’15 and the Business of Making Smiles

Casey Borish ’15 is in the business of making smiles, and she couldn’t be happier about it.

A sports marketing major while a student at 十大网络彩票平台大全, Borish目前是集团销售总监 以及特伦顿雷霆队的社区活动, a former member of Major League Baseball’s Double-A Eastern League and now a collegiate MLB Draft League squad. 在她的角色中, Borish is part of a small but mighty Thunder team (15 full-time staff members) tasked with creating the fan experience and thus, 微笑.  想想美元狗, 伟大的赠品, 赛后烟花和主题之夜, 很多主题之夜, designed to put connect the community with the franchise and, 哦是的, 举办一个40场比赛的棒球赛季.

小联盟棒球最酷的地方, 特别是雷霆队, 棒球通常是次要的吗,鲍里斯说。.  “娱乐, 文化, 以及我们提供的价值, 除了棒球, 家庭是我们工作的核心. 我们老板的口头禅是“我们制造微笑”.’ That is what we are in the market to do, and that is what we do really well.”

The position, Borish says, also suits her well in so many ways.

Growing up within walking distance from the HFU Northeast 费城 campus, and having attended both Nazareth Academy grade school and high school, Borish first considered a career in education and enrolled at Saint Joseph’s University. 她在霍克山的日子过得很愉快, she soon discovered that her passions were better suited to sports and returned to her Northeast roots to pivot to a small sports marketing program (she was one of six students in the program at the time) and to play collegiate tennis at Holy Family.  这一举动对她非常合适.

“Knowing Holy Family so well, I knew it was the right move for me at the time. 结果非常棒,”她说. “ It was a really small program, but I found my groove and my passion by switching into that major. 当我转到圣家医院的时候, 我的高中教练认识现在的教练, 最后我玩了起来.  我都忘了我有多爱它了. 那是我生命中很大的一部分. 当我打球的时候,我们有来自世界各地的女孩. 我有一个来自厄瓜多尔的队友.  They recruited from all over the United States to play. 我们有一个非常好的团队. I knew that sports were something that I knew really well and was something I could put my passion into.”

像体育商业这样的课程, 体育法律和事件管理, Borish found an opening on the Phillies’ game-day staff through a classmate and was hired on as a 50/50 raffle ticket seller under the community relations umbrella. 

“I knew by the time I graduated that I wanted to focus on sports community relations,”她说。. “I wanted to marry that idea of sports and also helping the community and being out there.  I started looking for community-relations specific kinds of spots.”

Knowing that those community-relations slots were coveted, 非常抢手的角色, Borish answered an ad for a front desk job with the Thunder, 希望能有个击球机会, 如果你愿意.  她的简历, however was better suited to an open assistant community relations post, 鲍里斯溜了进来.  从那以后她就一直在那里.

Borish served as the All-Star Game coordinator for the MLB Eastern League All-Star game in 2018, and used a two-year planning process to coordinate the two-day event.  She also helped to host the infamous and spirited “Savannah Bananas” in 2023.

“The all-star game was nuts,  from my perspective,鲍里斯说。. “I planned the whole thing  and missed most of it because I was at the hotel making sure everyone got to the ballpark.  我觉得我没有连续72小时睡觉. It was the coolest thing I have ever done or have been a part of.  当萨凡纳香蕉进来的时候, I worked as a facilitator on a concourse with a beer and hot dog cart for 6,000人. 太疯狂了!”

但有趣. 比如她推广的狗狗友好游戏. 和满足, like the hugely successful Addiction Awareness Nights where she works with DEA and a local New Jersey nonprofit, 天使之城, 更好地帮助社区成员面对挑战.

“我在圣家中学到了这种社区意识, and I credit my career path to the people I met there,”她说。. "从圣家到我现在的位置, I am so grateful for what I learned there and for the connections that I made. I remember that everyone was so close at Holy Family.  能有一个与运动相关的产品真是太棒了.  我不仅与网球队成员关系密切, but I was also so close with other student-athletes. I ran in those circles, so I had that community aspect.  But it wasn’t just the community of student-athletes, but the campus in general.  The classes were small, and you got to know the people in your classes and to learn from them. In my first school choice, I felt like a small fish in a big pond. 我有点迷路了. 我谁也不认识.  扩展业务对我来说很困难. I am super lucky to have gotten in touch with tennis because it gave me an in.  It was nice to have people to network with and make connections.  这对我帮助很大.  和 I don’t think you get that everywhere because I don’t think every school is as close-knit as Holy Family.”

Borish now oversees the Thunder’s sales team and runs the organization’s summer internship program. 和, 当然, 她一直在和学校做计划, 教会组织, little league teams and community partners to put fans in the seats and smiles on faces, attracting crowds that often swell to sell out the 6,440个座位的体育场.

“体育工作可能很难,”鲍里斯说. “You have to be open to anything and be willing to try everything. In the world of minor league baseball, especially, we wear a million different hats. I have a specific title, but everybody does everything.  我们在拉篷布.  我们在卷热狗.  You just have to be willing to get in there and get your hands dirty and show that you want to be there and that you are passionate about what you do.  I think that shines through when you have that passion and feel strongly about what you are doing.”

啊,是的,那灿烂的微笑.  一切都归于微笑.

